1. Surgical needle, wherein the metal wire is attached to the proximal end face, comprising a blind hole which is formed in the proximal end surface, it is inserted end of the metal wire and the metal wire is attached thereto by means of termination, and a bore, which is formed on the side the proximal end surface of the blind hole and has a dimension at least in the proximal end face larger than the size of the blind hole and a depth smaller than the depth of embedded portion with respect to the blind hole. ! 2. Surgical needle, wherein when the size of the bore in the proximal end face is D, the depth of the bore - L, the size of the blind hole - d, the outer diameter of the suture needle - T, and the wall thickness between a bore and the outer circumference of the proximal end surface - t (t = TD), the range of d / D ratio ranges from 65% to 95%, t / T range is from 6.5% to 20%, and the range of L / D is between 15.5% and 110%, wherein the depth to the embedded portion is at least 2.0 mm, L is 1.0 mm maximum, and D - 0,9 mm maximum. ! 3. Surgical needle with metal wire, comprising a blind hole which is formed in the proximal end face and into which is inserted the end of a metal wire, and a counterbore which is formed on the side of the proximal end surface of the blind hole and has a dimension at least in the proximal end surface larger than the size of the blind hole, wherein the end of the metal wire is inserted into the hollow1. Хирургическая игла, в которой металлическая проволока присоединена к проксимальной торцевой поверхности, содержащая глухое отверстие, которое образовано в проксимальной торцевой поверхности, в него вставлен конец металлической проволоки, и металлическая проволока присоединена к ней посредством заделки, и расточенное отверстие, которое образовано на стороне проксимальной торцевой поверхности глухого отверстия и имеет размер по меньшей мере в проксимальной торцевой поверхности больше, чем размер глухого отверстия, и глубину меньше, чем