1. An apparatus, comprising: packaging a catheter, a catheter with a hydrophilic coating and the bag, wherein the bag is attached to the catheter and communicates with it so that it is possible when using the passage of urine through the catheter and entering it into the bag, wherein soderzhitpolost device package, adapted to storage of the catheter with a hydrophilic coating and a liquid swelling medium intended for wetting the coating present on the catheter izatvor fluid in the cavity or catheter configured so that prevents the passage of liquid swelling medium from the cavity through the catheter into the bag during storage, wherein the catheter is a telescopic catheter comprising an outer part of the catheter and the inside of the catheter, which are connected via a conical valve provided with projecting element when etomdistalny end of the outer portion of the catheter member ilivystupayuschy is provided with a sealing element which in the retracted position of the telescopic catheter interac odeystvuet with another element, or the end to form a seal that prevents the passage of liquid through kateter.2. The apparatus according to claim. 1, characterized in that the distal end of the outer part of the catheter handle is provided with a sealing element which in the retracted position of the telescopic catheter cooperates with the projecting member to form a seal that prevents the passage of liquid through kateter.3. The apparatus according to claim. 1, characterized in that the protruding member is provided with a sealing element which in the retracted position of the telescopic catheter cooperates with the handle1. Устройство, содержащее упаковку катетера, катетер с гидрофильным покрытием и мочеприемник, при этом мочеприемник прикреплен к катетеру или сообщается с ним так, что при использовании существует возможность прохождения мочи через катетер и попадания ее в мочеприемник, причем устройство содержитполость в упаковке, приспособленную для хранения катетера