Tool-holder for perineovaginalnogo lifting, proposed as a useful model refers to medicine, namely to medical equipment. Currently, a large value in gynecology acquire minimally invasive methods of "rejuvenation" and "lift" the vaginal wall in women with genital prolapse. The purpose of this utility model is to develop tools to facilitate the work of the doctor and provides optimum access at a sufficient perineovaginalnom lifting without the risk of injuries and complications for patients.The tool has a handle, X-shaped bars which are fixed by bolts in the middle, which provides ease rods disclosure, due to the increased volume than the tool itself and at the ends of the rods are arranged horseshoe-shaped curved plate, which are mounted on rods screwed. By means of X-shaped plates working part of the proposed tool latch increases in volume, which provides disclosure vagina. Utility model can be used as follows.The working part of the tool-fastener placed in the vagina in a closed form, so that the handle is laterally and externally, then the doctor sets the fingers on the handles and compresses, so that the handles are closer to each other, and it becomes possible due to the slit on the handle. With a screw tool easily fixed in the right amount. Thereby, pushing lightly on the handle, whose ends are secured to the working surface of the fastener tool, the structure will increase in volume due to X-shaped rods. X-shaped rods are secured in the middle of rods with nuts, so that when pressing the handles simultaneously occur and an increase in the volume itself round design. To the ends of the X-shaped rods do not injure the vaginal wall, the plates have a horseshoe shape.Инструмент-фиксатор для перинеовагинального лифтинга, предлагаемый в качестве полезной модели, относится к медицине, а именно к медицинской технике. В настоящее время большое значение в гинекологии приобретают малоинвазивные методы «омоложения» и «подтяжки» стенок влагалища у женщин с генитальным прола