Disclosed is a telehealth care system and method using thermal imaging, the system is electrically connected to a remote caring station for monitoring status of a patient. The system includes an IR thermal imager, an image processor, and a respiration analysis module. By analyzing the temperature data of the thermal image taken by the IR thermal imager and generating a curve of the respiration, the events of abnormal respiration of the patient can be detected.本發明提供一種熱成像式遠端照護系統,係與一遠端照護站電性連接並用於監控一患者之狀態,其包含紅外線熱像儀、影像處理模組及呼吸分析模組。藉由分析紅外線熱像儀所拍攝之熱影像之溫度資料,並生成呼吸曲線,以判斷患者是否發生呼吸異常事件。1‧‧‧熱成像式遠端照護系統10‧‧‧紅外線熱像儀11‧‧‧紅外線感測器12‧‧‧影像處理模組14‧‧‧呼吸分析模組16‧‧‧患者18‧‧‧遠端照護站20‧‧‧處理器22‧‧‧資料庫24‧‧‧醫護人員25‧‧‧可攜式裝置26‧‧‧無線基地台