FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: crystallisation accelerator containing a polymer mixture that includes, as components, the saturated fatty hydroxy acid C18-28, which respectively has a hydroxyl and a carboxyl groups at both ends and which may have one carbonyl group in its chain, glycerin and an additional fatty acid. Said polymer mixture is polymerised by ether bonding by means of the components to the molecular weight of 3,000 to 100,000. The method of manufacturing the crystallisation accelerator includes the procedure for obtaining the crystallisation accelerator, subjecting a palm fruit to extraction with an organic solvent or to extraction of oil or fat. The production method of the crystallisation accelerator includes the stage of obtaining the solid phase by means of fractionating the initial palm oil or fat. An oil or fat composition accelerating the crystallisation consists of: 0.2-15% by weight of the crystallisation accelerator and 85-99.8% by weight of the initial oil consisting of oil or fat having the melting point of at least 10°C. The oil or fat composition accelerating the crystallisation includes 0.0005-1% by weight of the crystallisation accelerator, and the composition has the iodine number of at least 40. A food product in which the oil or fat composition accelerating crystallisation is used.EFFECT: invention allows to create the substances that accelerate the crystallisation of oil or fat, and do not reduce their properties during heat treatment.19 cl, 9 dwg, 18 tbl, 19 exИзобретение относится к масложировой промышленности. Ускоритель кристаллизации, содержащий полимерную смесь, которая в качестве компонентов включает в себя насыщенную жирную гидроксикислоту С18-28, соответственно имеющую гидроксильную и карбоксильную группы на обоих концах, и которая может иметь одну карбонильную группу в своей цепи, глицерин и дополнительную жирную кислоту, причем данная полимерная смесь полимеризуется эфирной связью посредством компонентов до молекулярного