to provide an economically advantageous optometric system as small as a duplicate parts.optometric system observation optical system, the optical system and the observation optical system for measuring the light transmitting the measurement light on the fundus of the eye of the person to be examined, and imaging the anterior segment of the shape measurement optical system, blood tester eye for receiving the measurement light reflected from the fundus a moving means for moving the measurement part with respect to the arrangement of the eye and a person to be examined and measured, to measure the refractive power of the eye of the person to be examined by other visual gaksik other eye refractive power measurement apparatus, with the gauze window, with each of the plurality of optical elements and a plurality of lens units including the disk is disposed right and left lens chamber units arranged in each of awareness of measuring eye refractive power of the eye of the person to be examined in the subjective refractive power measurement apparatus equation, the measurement mode of the system objective measurement mode and the measurement mode awareness In any case the measurement mode switching means for inputting a switching signal for switching the, monitor, operating means for inputting an operation signal, based on the input switching signal, a steering angle measurement mode, the other gaksik shape measurement device including the anterior segment observation optical system by display of the measurement information on monitored, based on the operation signal of the operation means controls the driving of the other gaksik measuring device, awaken the measurement mode displays the measurement information of the subjective measuring device to monitor and, on the operation signal of the operation means base to have a control means for controlling the driving of the subjective measuring device.중복된 부분을 적게 한 경제적으로 유리한 검안 시스템을 제공하는 것이다.검안 시스템은 피검사자의 눈의 안저에 측정광을 투광하고, 안저로부터 반