ЯНГ Дейвид С.Ф. (CA),ФИНДЛЕЙ Хелен П. (CA),ХАН Сьюсан Э. (CA),ЧЕКЕТТО Лайза М. (KR),МАККОНКИ Фортуната (CA)
1. A composition that is effective in treating a tumor in humans, which is a combination comprising: a humanized antibody or fragment thereof binding to CD44, a conjugate of the antibody or antigen binding fragment thereof to a component selected from the group consisting of cytotoxic fragments, enzymes, radioactive compounds cytokines, interferons, which are targets or reporter residues and hematogenous cells; ifarmacologically acceptable carrier in the required amount; where the composition is effective in treating a human tumor. A composition that is effective for treating a tumor in a person, which is a combination comprising: a humanized antibody or fragment thereof binding to CD44; and a pharmacologically acceptable carrier in the required amount; where the composition is effective for treating a tumor in a person. 3. A composition that is effective in treating a tumor in humans, which is a combination comprising: a conjugate of a humanized antibody or fragment thereof that binds CD44 to a component selected from the group consisting of cytotoxic fragments, enzymes, radioactive compounds, cytokines, interferons, which are targets or reporter residues and hematogenous cells; ifarmacologically acceptable carrier in the required amount; where the composition is effective in treating a human tumor. An analysis kit designed to detect the presence of a cancerous tumor in humans, where in this cancerous tumor in humans1. Композиция, обладающая эффективностью в отношении лечения опухоли у человека, которая представляет собой комбинацию, включающую:гуманизированное антитело или его фрагмент, связывающие CD44;конъюгат антитела или его антигенсвязывающего фрагмента с компонентом, выбранным из группы, включающей цитотоксические фрагменты, ферменты, радиоактивные соединения, цитокины, интерфероны, представляющие собой мишени или репортерные остатки и гематогенные клетки; ифармакологически приемлемый носитель в требуемом количестве;где композиция обладает эффективностью в о