Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravookhraneniya Moskovskoj oblasti "Moskovskij oblastnoj nauchno-issledovatelskij klinicheskij institut im. M.F. Vladimirskogo" (GBUZ MO MONIKI im. M.F. Vlad
Kotov Sergej Viktorovich,Котов Сергей Викторович,Chervinskaya Alla Davidovna,Червинская Алла Давидовна,Isakova Elena Valentinovna,Исакова Елена Валентиновна,Egorova Yuliya Vladimirovna,Егорова Юлия Вл
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, neurology and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of patients with post-stroke impairment in the early recovery period includes training on a stabilometric platform with bio control and feedback (BCF) by the reference reaction (RR). During the training, visual and auditory channels are used by performing game tasks with a mark on the monitor and adjustment of the body position by the audible signal. Effect on by audible signal is carried out during the training on the stabilometric platform with the BCF by means of a metronome at a frequency of 1–3 signals per second for 10–15 minutes. Gradually increasing the time for each subsequent session for up to 30–40 minutes. After training on a stabilometric platform, after 10–30 minutes, multi-channel electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulse currents with a frequency of 20 to 120 Hz is performed, sending and a pause of 2 seconds, with the current intensity to a slight muscle contraction in the first 2-3 procedures. On subsequent procedures is to moderate contraction of the muscles under the electrodes. At that, electrodes are placed on the upper limbs on the middle third of the shoulder along the outer side in the motion point of the radial nerve, on the middle third of the forearm outer surface, on the shoulder middle third inner surface in the projection of the elbow and median nerves, on the forearm inner surface on the lower limbs in the peroneal nerve projection and the innervated by it muscles and in the tibial nerve projection and the innervated by it shin muscles. Therapeutic course is 8–10 procedures.EFFECT: method provides a reduction in the cognitive impairment severity in patients with stroke, allows achieving functional independence of the patient, improves load tolerance, the patient becomes tired more slowly, emotional status (mood, anxiety, depression) indicators are improving, rehabilitation measures carrying out terms are shortened and the therapeutic