An apparatus with a roll of one or more pick-up bags for a pet includes: (i) a handle, (ii) a push button, (iii) a roll of one or more plastic pick-up bags, (iv) a plastic housing (v) a nylon leash, (vi) a nylon cord, and (vii) a leash lock. The user holds the pet leash apparatus using the handle. The plastic housing includes: (i) a cavity, (ii) a snap, and (iii) a metal rod. The cavity encloses the roll of one or more plastic pick-up bags. The snap locks to the metal rod. The nylon cord attaches to the leash. The nylon leash is attached to the collar of the pet using the metal clasp. The nylon leash is retractable. The leash lock allows the user to lock or release the cord when the user presses the push button.