The compound noxious insect barrier (10) which includes the noxious insect repellent which has been annexed to the mesh seat material (13) and the mesh seat material. The mesh seat material (13) includes the mesh seat material which is woven generally. The noxious insect repellent includes the noxious insect resistant material. The noxious insect repellent had could have been annexed to the mesh seat material (13) with the optional method of being suited. With one arrangement, as for the noxious insect repellent, the membrane (15) which is applied to the mesh seat material is included, the particular membrane (15) possesses the noxious insect resistant material. With another arrangement, as for the noxious insect repellent the noxious insect resistant material which is applied to the mesh seat material (15) is included. Furthermore with another arrangement, as for the noxious insect repellent, it is installed in the mesh seat material (15) itself.メッシュシート材(13)およびメッシュシート材に付随している害虫忌避剤を含む複合害虫バリア(10)。メッシュシート材(13)は、一般に織られたメッシュシート材を含む。害虫忌避剤は害虫抵抗性材料を含む。害虫忌避剤は、メッシュシート材(13)に任意の適した方法で付随していてよい。一配置では、害虫忌避剤は、メッシュシート材に適用された膜(15)を含み、当該膜(15)は害虫抵抗性材料を保有する。別の配置では、害虫忌避剤はメッシュシート材(15)に適用された害虫抵抗性材料を含む。さらに別の配置では、害虫忌避剤は、メッシュシート材(15)自体に組み込まれている。