The object of the invention is tetraalkylammonium tryptophanates with a general formula 2 in which R stands for alkyl bases containing from 2 to 8 carbon atoms. The notification shall also include the method of obtaining them, which consists of the fact that a four-stage tetraalkylammonium halide of a general formula 1 in which R stands for alkyl constituents containing from 2 to 8 carbon atoms undergoes an exchange reaction by ion resin or potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide in relation to: Quaternary molar tetrahalkylammonium halogen to a hydroxyl ion donor 1:1, in a solvent of the alcohol group: methanol or ethanol, at temperature from 20 to 50,C,favourable 30oC, after which ion exchange resin with adsorbed halogen ions is removed from the solvent or an inorganic by-product is formed, and the system of regents, after exchange of anion with sodium hydroxide or potassium, cools to a temperature of 2 to 5 oC, favourable 2,C, then a stoichiometric amount of tryptophan is added to the hydrogen peroxide obtained by continuous mixing, at a temperature from 20 to 50oC, preferably 25-oC, the solvent is evaporated and the product obtained is added with anhydrous acetone or 2-propanol, the whole is cooled to a temperature from 2 to 5-oC, preferably 2-C,After removal of the solvent, the inorganic by-product is removed and the product is dried under reduced pressure at a temperature from 35 to 50oC, preferably 45-oC. The use of tetraalkylammonium tryptophanates specified in the reserve is also notified. 1 as preparations to prolong the life of cut flowers.Przedmiotem wynalazku są tryptofaniany tetraalkiloamoniowe o wzorze ogólnym 2, w którym R oznacza podstawniki alkilowe, zawierające od 2 do 8 atomów węgla. Zgłoszenie obejmuje także sposób ich otrzymywania, który polega na tym, że czwartorzędowy halogenek tetraalkiloamoniowy o wzorze ogólnym 1, w którym R oznacza podstawniki alkilowe, zawierające od 2 do 8 atomów węgla poddaje się reakcji wymiany za pomocą żywicy jonowym