1. Formulations containing) an extract of Vaccinium myrtillus or other antacyanoside-rich species; b) an extract of Punica granatum; c) an extract of Echinacea; and optionally d) an extract of Krameria triandra. 2. The compositions of claim 1, wherein the Punica granatum extract is an extract obtained from fruits with a polyphenol content of 90%. The compositions according to claim 1, in which the extract of Echinacea is an alcoholic extract of the roots and aerial parts of Echinacea augustifolia and / or purpurea. The compositions of claim 1, wherein the Krameria triandra extract is an aqueous / alcoholic extract obtained from the roots and aerial parts of the plant, containing 14% benzofuran and 70% ellagitannine and protocatecholic tannin. Compositions according to any one of the above items containing the active ingredients in the following dosage unit weight ranges: a) extract of Vaccinium myrtillus or other species rich in anthocyanosides: from 20 to 80 mg; b) extract of Punica granatum: from 20 to 40 mg; c ) Echinacea extract: 20 to 100 mg; and optionally d) Krameria triandra extract: 10 to 30 mg. 6. The compositions according to claim 5, containing the active ingredients in the following ranges of weight values per unit dose: a) extract of Vaccinium myrtillus or other species rich in anthocyanosides: from 40 to 60 mg; b) extract of Punica granatum: from 25 to 35 mg; c) Echinacea extract: 40 to 60 mg; and optionally d) Krameria triandra extract: 15 to 20 mg. 7. Compositions containing: a) an extract of Vaccinium myrtillus or other species rich in antacyanosides; b) an extract of Punica granatum; c) an extract of Echinacea; and optionally d) an extract of Krameria triandra for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity and its appendages, throat and respiratory tract, as well as flu.1. Составы, содержащиеа) экстракт Vaccinium myrtillus или других видов, богатых антацианозидами;b) экстракт Punica granatum;с) экстракт Echinacea;и необязательноd)