FIELD: agriculture machine building.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agricultural machine building, particularly to tillage machines, providing tillage of soil with simultaneous application of fertilisers and levelling surface. Working member deep tiller-ripper-fertiliser-aligner comprises wedge-shaped stand, fertiliser tube mounted on its rear part, and in lower part of ploughshares arranged in line of post. Tillage drum with teeth is installed behind fertilizer tube with the help of brackets fixed to stand. Ripper drum comprises a hub in form of oppositely mounted smaller bases of truncated cones. On side surface of hub there are replaceable teeth made in form of quadrangular pyramid. Teeth are located on hub side surface along helical lines: on left half of drum helical line has a left - sided direction, and right half - right-sided direction. Height of teeth is equal to thickness of soil layer coming down from ploughshares. Front part of wedge-like post has value-variable lip angle: in lower part it is conjugated with angle solution of ploughshares, in upper part has a value 12…15°. Under ploughshares to shoe is secured fertiliser tube, outlet edge is made under upper edge of ploughshares. In upper part of stand there is a pressure blower for formation of a fertiliser and air mixture and fertiliser dispenser.EFFECT: such design solution is aimed at creation of an even field surface after passage of working element, uniform distribution of mineral fertilisers in soil treatment and increase in productivity.1 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения, в частности к почвообрабатывающим машинам, обеспечивающим рыхление почвы с одновременным внесением удобрений и выравниванием поверхности. Рабочий орган плоскореза-глубокорыхлителя-удобрителя-выравнивателя содержит клинообразную стойку, смонтированные на ее задней части тукопровод, а в нижней части лемеха, установленные в створе стойки. За тукопроводом с помощью кронштейнов, закреплен