The embodiments of the present invention provide a method for the treatment of glioblastoma using Wharton Jelly-mesenehmal stem cells (WJ-MSC) derived from human umbilical cord. The mesenchymal stem cells have potential to inhibit the glioblastoma cancer cells. For isolating the MSC, the donor is screened for infectious diseases. The consent from the donor is taken for the collection of the umbilical cord sample. The MSC are mechanically harvested or isolated from the Wharton's jelly of umbilical cord. The WJ-MSC are cultured and propagated in vitro and harvested. The harvested WJ-MSC is subjected for characterization. The characterized WJ-MSC's are cryo-preserved. The tumors which do not respond to temozolomide (TMZ) respond to WJ-MSC. WJ-MSC does not exert any toxic effect on any human organ. WJ-MSC are cryoprotective to healthy cells and cytotoxic to glioblastoma cells.