ABSTRACT: PREPARATION AND EVALUATION OF NANOPARTICLES CONTAINING IMATINIB MESYLATE AND THE COMPLEX 0F IMATINIB MESYLATE COBALT (II) CHLORIDE This research work reports the invitro and invivo antitumour(DLA) personality of fw novel coba1t(II)chloride nanocomplexes.The Imatinib Mesylatc nanoparticles was prepared by solvent evaporation method by using various synthetic polymer(HPMC,PVA,Eudragit) and Natural polymer (Moringa oleifermLinseed, Badam).The optimized nanoparticles complexed with cobalt(II)chloride (CoClz NPs).The synthesised CoClz NPs were characterized with UV,Particle size,SEM,XRD,Raman spectroscopy,FT-IR.SEM analysis was found to be 165 than 100mm, The acute toxicityivity of CoClz NPs was carried out against DLA cells by trypan blue assay and found to show significant activity.The reliable criteria for assersing the value of any anticancer drug are the prolongation of the life span of animals.Thus,it may be concluded that the reason for decreasing the nutritional fluid volume and arresting the tumor growth,might be due to increase in life span of DLA-bearing mice.