The invention relates to medicine, and specifically to the functional diagnosis of the state of a human, and may be used in conducting medical examinations, including in investigating hemodynamics, and also in systems for monitoring the degree of fatigue of individuals operating vehicles. An optical sensor of human pulse waveforms, including an emitter module and a photoreceiver module which are located in kinematically-connected housings, and also a means for positioning the photoreceiver module relative to the emitter module using a resilient element which is simultaneously connected to the emitter module and to the photoreceiver module and which allows for displacing the photoreceiver module relative to the emitter, with the securing of the positions thereof by abutting the surface of the skin of a person; the outer shape of the surface of an emitter holder being made to abut the inner surface of the lower portion of a person's auricle, the emitter holder being made of an opaque elastic material, and a positioning means including a linear guide, the axis of which is parallel to an optical axis linking the emitter and photoreceiver.