Pharmaceutical composition of ibuprofen for injection that comprises an aqueous solution of ibuprofen and trometamol. These compositions display a minimal loss of active principle and acceptable increase of impurities after autoclaving, properties that have been demonstrated in various types of containers, such as containers made of plastics such as polypropylene, PVC and polyethylene, as well as in glass containers. These compositions, after undergoing autoclaving, still comply with all the relevant technical specifications of the European Pharmacopoeia and of the USP.Изобретение касается фармацевтической композиции ибупрофена для инъекции, содержащей водный раствор ибупрофена и трометамол.Винахід стосується фармацевтичної композиції ібупрофену для інєкції, що містить водний розчин ібупрофену і трометамол.