The present invention provides a lozenge, which is a laxative lozenge with magnesium oxide as the main component, and is characterized by: (1) The particles generated when the aforementioned lozenge is suspended in water are subjected to laser diffraction The volume-based 50% particle size (D50) is less than 70μm; (2) The volume-based 90% particle size (D90) of the particles produced when the aforementioned tablet is suspended in water is 130μm or less by laser diffraction; And (3) The disintegration time of the aforementioned tablets when suspended in water in the Disintegration Test Method of the General Test Method of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia is less than 10 seconds.本發明係提供一種錠劑,其是以氧化鎂為主成分之緩瀉用錠劑,其特徵係:(1)將前述錠劑懸浮於水中時所產生之粒子,藉由雷射繞射法其體積基準50%粒徑(D50)為70μm以下;(2)將前述錠劑懸浮於水中時所產生之粒子,藉由雷射繞射法其體積基準90%粒徑(D90)為130μm以下;且(3)前述錠劑,於日本藥局方一般試驗法之崩散試驗法中水懸浮時之崩散時間為10秒以下。