FARBER, Boris Slavinovich;ФАРБЕР, Борис Славинович;FARBER, Sof'ya Borisovna; Boris Slavinovich;ФАРБЕР, Софья Борисовна;FARBER
MARTYNOV, Artur Viktorovich,МАРТЫНОВ, Артур Викторович
Field of use: The invention relates to organic and bio-organic combinatorial chemistry, specifically to new combinatorial libraries of polysaccharide derivatives and to supramolecular structures based thereon, which have high biological activity when they are used without being separated into individual components. The essence of the invention is a new combinatorial library of biologically active polysaccharide derivatives and a supramolecular structure based thereon, as well as pharmaceutical compositions based thereon that have a hemostatic, wound-healing, antiviral, and immunomodulatory effect and that contain, as the principal active substance, a whole unseparated combinatorial mixture of substituted glucopyranose polymer derivatives obtained by the simultaneous combinatorial modification of a polysaccharide by at least two covalent modifiers, and as a result of the synthesis a combinatorial mixture forms that has the maximum number of combinations of modified polysaccharide derivatives, and the biologically active substances used to produce the pharmaceutical composition are a whole combinatorial mixture of polysaccharide derivatives in the form of a supramolecular structure, without separation into individual components. Technical result: modified combinatorial polysaccharide derivatives that have a hemostatic, wound-healing, antiviral, and immunomodulatory effect and other properties and on the basis of which a medicinal, veterinary, agrochemical, or cosmetic product can be obtained that has a broad spectrum of activity. The agent has a broad spectrum of action and low toxicity, and is suitable for industrial production.L'invention se rapporte au domaine de la chimie organique et de la chimie bio-organique combinatoire et concerne notamment de nouvelles banques combinatoires de dérivés de polysaccharides et des structures supramoléculaires basées sur celles-ci qui, lorsqu'eles sont utilisées sans être divisées en composants distincts, ont une activité biologi