An internally powered prosthetic limb and method for controlling same,offering hands-freecontrol of a prosthetic limb. The internally powered prosthetic limbcontrolled by aninput control device, comprising: a breath inlet configured to receive airpressure exertedfrom a user's mouth to be converted into a first electronic signal, whereinthe firstelectronic signal is proportional to the exerted pressure; a motion sensorconfigured tosense tilting of the user's head and operable to convert the user's headtilting motion into asecond electronic signal, wherein the second electronic signal is proportionalto the user'shead tilting motion; and a processor in communication with the breath inletand the motionsensor, the processor operable to convert the exerted air pressure into thefirst electronicsignal and further process the first electronic signal into first positionaldata fortransmission to a plurality of digit-actuators in the prosthetic limb, theprocessor furtheroperable to process the second electronic signal into second positional datafortransmission to a wrist-actuator in the prosthetic limb; wherein the pluralityof digit-actuatorsin the prosthetic limb can be controllably actuated in proportion to the airpressure exerted by the user, and the wrist-actuator can be controllablyactuated to rotate inproportion to the head tilting motion of the user.