postural system, comprising: - a flat base plate (10) - a plurality of modular blocks (20a - 20f, 30a - 30d, 40a - 40f, 50a - 50e, 80a - 80b), different in size and shape suitable to be coupled to said base plate in order to obtain a structure profiled to fit the morphological structure of said user support, said base plate (10) coupling means for removable and reversible coupling to an external support surface and said modular units being provided and being provided with said modular units ( 20a - 20f, 30a - 30d, 40a - 40f, 50a - 50e, 80a - 80b) means for releasably and reversibly to said base plate (10) engaging with each other, said postural system comprising a first plurality of modular blocks (20a - 20f) suitable for a modular base (20), characterized in that said postural system further comprises: a second plurality of modular blocks (30a - 30d) suitable for a modular system (30) for rec IBIR legs of said user and a third plurality of modular blocks (40a - 40f) suitable for a modular system (40) to receive the pelvis of the user, wherein said third plurality of modular blocks (40a - 40f) are coupled independently each with the other and said base plate and are shaped and arranged to achieve a confinement, a suspension and a front, side and rear right of the users pelvis control and confinement, a suspension and an accurate control of the tailbone, the sacral vertebrae, the lumbar vertebrae and the thoracic vertebrae.Sistema postural, que comprende: - una placa de base plana (10) - una pluralidad de bloques modulares (20a - 20f, 30a - 30d, 40a - 40f, 50a - 50e, 80a - 80b), diferentes en forma y tamaño, adecuados para ser acoplados a dicha placa de base con el fin de obtener una estructura de soporte perfilada para adaptarse a la estructura morfológica de dicho usuario, estando provista dicha placa de base (10) de medios de acoplamiento para el acoplamiento desmontable y reversible a una superficie de soporte externa y a dichos bloques modulares, y estando provi