use of fetal reprogramming of ppar delta agonist. The present invention relates to a new use of a ppar <;sym>; agonist, and more particularly to a reprogramming fetal effect of a ppar <;sym>; agonist. According to the present invention, a ppar <;sym>; agonist adjusts calcium ions during embryogenesis and a period of early fetal development to increase slow muscle fiber and thereby improve muscle endurance, thereby improving lipid and glucose metabolism. reprogramming the whole body metabolism, thereby preventing / inhibiting the occurrence of metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes in an adult body caused by a high fat diet and lack of exercise, and improving memory for an adult. furthermore, fetal reprogramming using a ppar <;sym>; agonist prevents / inhibits the occurrence of diabetes in a mouse model for diabetes. therefore, the ppar <;sym>; agonist may be used in a pharmaceutical composition to increase the resilience of a human and an animal by embryonic / fetal reprogramming, the prevention / inhibition of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic arteriosclerosis such as obesity, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and fatty liver, and memory improvement. ppar <;sym>; agonist may also be used as a nutritional supplement for pregnant women, as food additives, as a functional food supplement or as functional beverage composition, as animal pharmaceutical compositions, as an animal resistance enhancer, in dry milk. and infant formula compositions, animal feed composition, etc.utilização de reprogramação fetal de agonista ppar delta. a presente invenção refere-se a uma nova utilização de um agonista do ppar <;sym>;, e , mais particularmente, a um efeito fetal reprogramação de um agonista do ppar <;sym>;. de acordo com a presente invenção, um agonista do ppar <;sym>; ajusta íons cálcio durante a embriogênese e um período de desenvolvimento fetal precoce para aumentar a fibra muscular lenta e, assim melhorar a resist