Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Исайчев Виталий Александрович (RU),Дозоров Александр Владимирович (RU),Жуков Дмитрий Николаевич (RU)
The invention relates to agricultural machinery, particularly to seeders for subsoil-sowing razbrosnogo crops.Combined seeding machine includes a frame with a drawbar, hopper with sowing devices, and the coulter support wheels. Openers include hollow stand-vas deferens, the spherical disc and splitter. The concave spherical drive side faces towards the surface of the field. The splitter is installed at a hollow stand-vas deferens in the inner cavity of the spherical disk. For openers set the grinding-following rollers. The grinding-following rollers comprises a frame, a spring post, horizontal axis perpendicular to the direction of motion of the combined sowing unit. The grinding rollers comprise lateral and intermediate wheels mounted on a horizontal axis at equal intervals in the horizontal plane. On the circumference side and the intermediate discs of the grinding roller with an equal angular pitch installed right pointed slats and sharpened edges directed in different directions from the geometric axis of rotation of the grinding roller. Packer roller comprising side discs on which a hollow cylinder is mounted. On the outer surface of the hollow cylinder at equal intervals are set annular sealing elements, having a cross sectional shape of an equilateral triangle. On the outer surface of the hollow cylinder diametrically between the annular sealing members mounted pointed rippers.Such design combined sowing unit will improve the quality of grain crops.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к сеялкам для подпочвенно-разбросного посева зерновых культур.Комбинированный посевной агрегат включает раму с прицепным устройством, бункер с высевающими аппаратами, опорные колеса и сошники. Сошники содержат полую стойку-семяпровод, сферический диск и рассекатель. Вогнутая сторона сферического диска обращена в сторону поверхности поля. Рассекатель установлен под полой стойкой-семяпроводом во внутренней полости сферического диска. За сош