Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Медтелеком" (RU)
Порунов Александр Азикович (RU),Крючкова Мария Владимировна (RU)
1. An apparatus to detect and suppress the epileptiform activity, comprising a microelectrode system implantable in the hearth area epileptiform activity, stimulatory information unit and the evaluation and management of implanted in the subclavian area and associated telemetry channel with a doctor unit and power supply, wherein the first input information -stimuliruyuschego unit, which data inputs microsystem switch connected to the output microelectrode system and its first output being the output of the filter EG signal is connected through a preamp EEG signal outputs microsystem switch connected to the first input of the evaluation and control unit, connected to the first input processing unit and analyzing the biosignals, the first output is connected to the transceiver, connected via a telemetry channel to the doctor unit and elektroneyrostimulyatora to the input, and its second output is connected to the first output of the evaluation and control unit, the second output of which is connected to the output elektroneyrostimulyatora, wherein the first and second unit outputs evaluations and and control are connected to second and third inputs information-stimulating unit, a second input coupled to a control input of the microsystem switch and its stimulatory input coupled to the third input information and the stimulating unit, characterized in that it additionally introduced microelectrode system for sensing an ECG signal implanted into the zone of the projection of the heart on the skin of the chest, and series connected filter and preamplifier ECG signal, whose output is connected to the second output Inf1. Устройство обнаружения и подавления эпилептиформной активности, содержащее систему микроэлектродов, имплантируемых в зону очага эпилептиформной активности, информационно-стимулирующий блок и блок оценки и управления, имплантируемые в подключичной области и связанные телеметрическим каналом с блоком врача, и блок питания, причем первый вход информационно-с