Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Восприятие" - центр исследования и коррекции зрения (RU)
Рабичев Игорь Энгелевич (RU)
1. An apparatus for correcting functional disorders of the visual system (with a convergent, divergent strabismus, amblyopia, hyperopia, asthenopia, spasm of accommodation, myopia) comprising a liquid crystal light valve, when the light-scattering (giving a matte effect), and at shutdown transparent, which are mounted a spectacle frame, the electronic control unit light valve in manual or automatic mode, which allows four control phases light valve on and off, in the next subsequent atelnosti: monocular one eye is closed, then both eyes are open, then the other eye monocular closed again and both eyes are visible, with continuous control of each phase changes in the range of from 1 to 0.1 s, a connecting cable, characterized in that the liquid crystal light valve fixed a test frame comprising at least four cells for each eye, with the ability to set a trial frame various combinations of lenses and prisms, and an electronic light valve operation control unit with a stepped adjustment for the duration zhdoy of four phases in the range of from 5 to 0.01 c.2. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the electronic control unit stepwise switching on and off light valve in the automatic mode, with adjustment of each of the four phases in increments of 0.5 seconds in the range from 5 to 1, and increments of 0,005 with a range from 1.0 s to 0.01 s, is made based on a programmable processor, which has an electronic memory operation mode, the timer operation in the automatic mode in the time interval from 1 s to 59 min, which has a liquid crystal display, in which reflected1. Устройство для функциональной коррекции расстройств зрительной системы (при сходящемся, расходящемся косоглазии, амблиопии, гиперметропии, астенопии, спазме аккомодации, миопии), содержащее жидкокристаллические светоклапаны, при включении рассеивающие свет (дающие эффект матового стекла), а при выключении прозрачные, которые установлены в очковую оправу, электронный блок управления свето