#$%^&*AU2020200688A120200220.pdf#####28 ABSTRACT A system of non-thermally ablating undesirable tissue in the body by application of pulsed, bipolar, instant charge reversal electrical fields of sufficient energy to cause complete and immediate cell membrane rupture and destruction. Energy is delivered through radio frequency pulses of particular frequencies, wave characteristics, pulse widths and pulse numbers, such that enhanced physical stresses are placed on the cell membrane to cause its immediate and complete destruction thereby spilling the entire cell content and membrane constituents into, the extracellular space without denaturing proteins so as to enable an immunological response to destroy and remove the target tissue and similarly marked tissue elsewhere in the subject.5/9 *~.. ............. ............. .. .. ....... *mti 'N Iow *~NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'X''XN'NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN'N'NNNNNNNNN)CMO k Ports~P Fig'P9