Subiect:-Homeopathic treatment formula for Epilepsy Patient filling No. Abstract: Epileptic disease is due to abnormal functioning of the brain, conducting system may be due to brain defect, injury or disease like meningitis. This results in epileptic fits which occurs at intervals disabling the patients. Sometimes the patient becomes unconscious resulting in to tongue bite, head injury or even fractures, disabling the patient further. Natural cures are exceptional. Allopathic medicinal treatment offers very little help to control the disease and rarely offer complete cure, Homeopathic medicinal treatment was tried along with allopathy" and found to be very effective to give not only complete cure but was also useful to reduce fibrosis of brain and make the person more normal and possibly fit for a job Initially both the Allopathic & Homeopathic treatment is continued for some time even after caesation of fits and then discontinued. Homeopathic Formula For Epilepsy Sulphur lm one dose every month Following treatment on other days In Powder Form In Globules 1 . Ferrum Phos 3x Silicia - 30 2. Kali Phos 3x Glonine - 30 3. Cal Phos 3x Ignatia - 30 4. Map Phos 3x Belladona-30 5Kali Sulph 3x Bufo Rana-30 6. Natrum Mur 3x Kali Brom-30