The invention relates to an instrument for obtaining images of the eye, comprising a light source S, the intensity of which is controlled by a neutral density filter F1, and for which the colour/wavelength is achieved using a bandpass filter F2, and also comprising: an electronic modulation device for the light emitted by the light source S, which generates structured illumination patterns a mirror M1 that directs the light coming from the light source S towards the electronic light modulation system at least three lenses L1, L2, L3 located between the electronic light modulation system and the eye to be studied a diaphragm D1 connected in the plane of the pupil of the eye to be studied in order to allow control of the position at which the light enters the eye a photodetector that measures and registers the intensity of the reflected light a mirror M2 that directs the light leaving the eye towards the photodetector a diaphragm D2 connected in the plane of the pupil of the eye, which determines the exit path of the light at least one lens L4 between the diaphragm D2 and the photodetector, such that the diaphragms D1 and D2 are connected with the same plane, but are relatively displaced, in such a way that different parts of the pupil of the eye are used to project the illumination patterns in the entry beam and to collect their reflective intensity in the exit beam, and such that the electronic light modulation device and the photodetector are connected to a computer having image-processing software.Instrumento para obtener imágenes del ojo, que comprende una fuente de luz S cuya intensidad es controlada por un filtro F1 de densidad neutral, y para la que el color/longitud de onda se logra usando un filtro F2 paso de banda, que comprende adicionalmente: - un dispositivo de modulación electrónica de la luz iluminado por la fuente de luz S, que genera patrones de iluminación estructurada, - un espejo M1 que dirige la luz procedente de la fuente de luz S hacia el siste