< Topic >The cap for the drop injection sack which cancels the disposable wastefulness of the joint which points to the sack and the needle for drop injection is offered.< Means of settlement >The joint which points to the needle of the sack for drop injection the screw te is attached and the replacement of the sack where the liquid enters by the fact that it makes the structure which can be removed (desorption) becomes simple, is useful to the reduction of expense.< Choice figure >Drawing 2【課題】点滴注射用ふくろと針をさす接合部の使い捨てのむだを解消する点滴注射ふくろ用キャップを提供する。【解決の手段】点滴注射用ふくろの針をさす接合部をねじて付け外し(脱着)できる構造にすることで液の入ったふくろの取替えが簡単になり、経費の軽減に役立つ。【選択図】図2