A potentiostat/galvanostat employs a controller for providing digital control signals to a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that generates an analog output signal in response to digital control signals. A high current driver produces a high current output in response to the analog output signal from the DAC. A high current monitor monitors the output from the high current driver to produce a feedback signal for the high current driver to control the current produced by the high current driver and to produce an output dependent on the current supplied from the high current driver for monitoring by the controller. A counter electrode contact for a counter electrode is connected with the output of the high current monitor. A working electrode contact for a working electrode is electrically connected with a fixed stable voltage potential to enable electrochemical analysis of material between the counter electrode and the working electrode. A low current driver produces a low current range output in response to an analog output signal from the DAC. A low current monitor monitors the working electrode contact to detect current at the working electrode contact to supply an output dependent on the current detected for monitoring by the controller and for providing a feedback signal to the low current driver in order to control the output of the low current driver to control current between the counter electrode contact and the working electrode contact.