Yi Seed An Mo Qi structures improve, and The includes An Mo Qi Department:Yi Body Cheng Xing System at, upper end Office Department Let of The gripping members have a portions Yi Ka Let to one gripping member , Qi Department in a spiral manner, and for The Ka Let Bu Department to increase Cheng Now in a manner of screw pitch, The, which holds Chi Jian Department Let, Rong Zhi District, The Rong Zhi District Open mouthfuls of You mono- of Duan Department Let Shang itsComplex Number Ge pat part, its lower end Office Department Let have the ends Yi Chuan Let, each upper end Office Department Let for patting part have a beating portion, each beating Bu Department in a spiral manner Yi Body Cheng Xing System at, each beating portion one end Office Department Ka Let what The gripping member Ka Let portion Inner for patting part, and Ge Chuan Let Duan Department Chuan Let what The Rong Zhi District Inner, it enables The hold Chi Jian With and respectively pats part Cheng Ka Let Knot conjunction Like statesThereby, Ti Gong mono- Seed An Mo Qi structures, espespecially Yi Seed whats Pai is Daed in Over journeys, using each beating Bu Department with screw type Tai Cheng Now, is enabled Pai Da Time Jie Touch Mian Department Yi Dot Like Jie Touch , Bi Da and is patted the massager function person of power to dispersion.一種按摩器結構改良,該按摩器係包含:一握持件,其係以螺旋方式一體成型製成,該握持件的上端處係設有一卡設部,該卡設部係以增加螺距方式呈現,該握持件係設有一容置區,該容置區其上端係設有一開口;複數個拍打件,其下端處係設有一穿設端,各拍打件的上端處係設有一拍打部,各拍打部係以螺旋方式一體成型製成,各拍打件的拍打部其一端處係卡設於該握持件之卡設部內,而各穿設端係穿設於該容置區內,令該握持件與各拍打件呈卡設結合狀態;藉此,提供一種按摩器結構,尤指一種於拍打過程中,利用各拍打部係以螺旋型態呈現,令拍打時接觸面係以點狀接觸,俾達到分散拍打力道之按摩器功能者。1‧‧‧按摩器11‧‧‧握持件111‧‧‧卡設部1111‧‧‧卡設端113‧‧‧勾環114‧‧‧握持部12‧‧‧拍打件