Non-invasive method to estimate an amount referred to a person's blood glucose level within a time interval Δt, which comprises the steps of: - placing a first device of tetrapolar electrodes in contact with the skin of said person covering a portion soft tissue that includes muscle fibers oriented parallel to the direction of the muscle fibers; and - placing a second device of tetrapolar electrodes in contact with the skin of said person covering said portion of soft tissue oriented transversely to the muscle fibers; - characterized in that said amount represents the variation of the level of glucose ΔG in the blood of a person within said time interval Δt; and because the method comprises the additional steps of: measuring, for this time interval Δt: - with the first tetrapolar electrode device, the relative variation ΔII · LF / II · LF of the conductivity value CII · LF of said tissue parallel to the direction of muscle fibers at a low frequency; - with the second tetrapolar electrode device, the relative variation ΔC⊥, LF / C⊥, LF of the conductivity value C⊥, LF of said tissue transverse to the direction of the muscle fibers at said low frequency; valuing ΔG as: ** Formula**Método no invasivo para estimar una cantidad referida al nivel de glucosa en la sangre de una persona dentro deun intervalo de tiempo Δt, que comprende las etapas de: - colocar un primer dispositivo de electrodos tetrapolares en contacto con la piel de dicha persona que cubreuna porción de tejido blando que incluye fibras musculares orientado en sentido paralelo a la dirección de lasfibras musculares; y - colocar un segundo dispositivo de electrodos tetrapolares en contacto con la piel de dicha persona que cubredicha porción de tejido blando orientado en sentido transversal a las fibras musculares; - caracterizado por que dicha cantidad representa la variación del nivel de glucosa ΔG en la sangre de unapersona dentro de dicho intervalo de tiempo Δt; y porque el método compr