Fully or partially deuterated Analogue compounds 4 - (3 - metanosulfonil - phenyl) - 1 - propyl piperidine (pridopidine); Pharmaceutical composition that comprises; method of treatment, prevention or Relief of a disorder mediated by dopamine.
The present invention provides novel deuterated analogs of Pridopidine, i.e. 4-(3-methanesulfonyl-phenyl)-1-propyl-piperidine. Pridopidine is a drug substance currently in clinical development for the treatment of Huntington's disease. In other aspects the invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising a deuterated analog of Pridopidine of the invention, and to therapeutic applications of these analogs.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N TARMACÉ;UTICA QUE COMPRENDE UN COMPUESTO REPRESENTADO POR LA FÓ;RMULA 1, O UNA SAL FARMACÉ;UTICAMERDE ACEPTABLE DEL MISMO; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;U)ICA QUE COMPRENDE DICHA COMPOSICIÓ;N JUNTO A UN VEHICULO FARMACÉ;UTTCAMENTE ACEPTABLE; Y SU USO PARA EL TRATAMIENTO, PREVENCIÓ;N O ALIVIO DE UN TRASTORNO MEDIADO POR DOPAMINA.<;/p>;