A method of and a system for controlling the culture growth of high value feed organisms in a co-fermented system that produces ethanol and for the culture to consume both nonprotein and carbohydrate based products. The method and system produce products that enhance the nutritional value of the co-products. The method further provides a system to grow unique value added co-products, including a mycotoxin-free animal feed, for the monogastric and ruminant animal feed markets including aquaculture, poultry, swine, companion animals and livestock animals. The method includes the production of organic acids to enrich animal feed for enhanced animal performance with reduced antibiotic components in the feed. The method includes the production and incorporation of probiotics in the animal feed product.一種用於控制製造乙醇之共發酵系統中高價值飼料有機體之培養生長以及供培養物消耗非蛋白質及碳水化合物兩者為基底之產物的方法及系統。該方法及系統製造加強副產物營養價值的產品。該方法進一步提供一種生長獨特附加價值副產物之系統,其包括不含黴菌毒素動物飼料,用於單胃及反芻動物飼料市場,包括水產養殖、家禽、豬,伴侶動物和家畜動物。該方法包括製造有機酸以豐富動物飼料,其用於在該飼料中減少之抗生素組份來加強動物效能。該方法包括在動物飼料產品中生產及併入益生菌。20‧‧‧蒸發21‧‧‧研磨22‧‧‧液化23‧‧‧發酵24‧‧‧蒸餾25‧‧‧纖維及蛋白質分離/回收70‧‧‧製程71‧‧‧二次發酵72‧‧‧二次發酵73‧‧‧二次發酵74‧‧‧清洗75‧‧‧二次發酵