An immunomodulator for use in the treatment, reduction, inhibition or control of a neoplastic disease in a patient who is scheduled to receive simultaneous, separate or sequential checkpoint inhibition therapy following administration of an immunomodulator. The immunomodulator is preferably a whole cell mycobacterium such as M. pneumoniae. vaccae or M.I. includes objense.免疫調節薬の投与と同時、別個、又は逐次のチェックポイント阻害療法を受ける予定の患者における新生物疾患の処置、減少、阻害、又は制御に使用するための免疫調節薬。免疫調節薬は好ましくは全細胞マイコバクテリウム、例えばM. vaccae又はM. obuenseを含む。