An adjustable bed (20) includes an occupant support comprising: a deck (34) having an upper body section (44) and a section (46) longitudinally adjacent the upper body section, the upper body section (44) being pivotable relative to the adjacent section (46) between a flat angular orientation and a maximum angular orientation and a siderail (86) affixed to the upper body section, the siderail including a grip (102). With the upper body section at a flat orientation, the elevation of the grip (102) increases with increasing distance from a head end of the bed. The bed (20) comprises one actuator for pivoting the upper body section (44) relative to the adjacent section (46) and the ground plane, and an interface (280) for allowing a desired value of the angle between the upper body section (44) and the ground plane to be commanded. The interface includes a single-action transition control (2124) for commanding a transition upper body section angle relative to the ground plane.