the present invention relates to a process for application of a mobile fl u00fcssigmistbeh u00e4lter assists search and a connected ausbringetechnik on yield of fl u00fcssigmistes in a field, with the ausbringtechnik ausbringbare ausbringmenge to characteristics sigmist on the ausbringetechnik related unit is adjustable.a process for the production of assists search to optimize, it is proposed that the unit of account- information on the currently existing content to fl u00fcssigmistbeh u00e4lter areinformation about the currently remaining length of lay out, the unit of account data for the currently fl u00fcssigmistbeh u00e4lter existing content and the current remaining length of lay in a value for the average ausbringmenge is charged and the recheneinhe it ausbringmenge on the calculated value is generated.