Belt electrodes for electric imped\u00e1ncia tomography.Belt for electrical impedance tomography electrodes, comprising a plurality of electrode assemblies (20, 20 ) for injection and collection of electrical signals in the patient, each subset comprising three basic elements, formed from a l\u00e2minaeletricamente cond Utora, namely, a contact zone (22, 52) bonded to the skin of the patient and monitoring their movement.Electrically connected by means of flexible conductors (24, 53) to a terminal (27, 54), the latter being affixed to an island of contact (12) provided in a strip support (10) flexible and longitudinally when being associated with each island, the contact means for connection to the cable. S that interface electrically the girdle with the apparatus of monitoring.The conductive elements that form the so-called subsets are used as common base isolating material, deformable and porous, and this may be a textile non-woven (non woven fabric \") or a foam rubber or synthetic material porous.Due to the deformability of the base material, the contact areas accompanying the movement of the skin of the patient by reducing their discomfort and, at the same time, the terminal areas remain in fixed positions and known to coincide with the so-called islands of contact, and the reconstitui\u00e7 Will you need the tomographic image.The porosity of the base material has the additional advantage of allowing the breathing of the skin of the patient, avoiding occlusion and the accumulation of sweat.CINTA DE ELETRODOS PARA TOMOGRAFIA POR IMPEDáNCIA ELéTRICA. Cinta de eletrodos para tomografia por impedância elétrica, compreendendo uma pluralidade de subconjuntos de eletrodo (20, 20) para injeção e captação de sinais elétricos no paciente, cada subconjunto compreendendo três elementos básicos, formados a partir de uma lâminaeletricamente condutora, a saber, uma zona de contato (22, 52) fixada à pele do paciente e acompanhando sua movimentação, eletricamente ligada por mei