A pressurized fluid subassembly comprising: (a) a fluid driven actuatorconfigured to utilize a fluid at a high pressure to change an overall lengthof the fluiddriven actuator; and, (b) a sequence valve interposing a low pressure line anda supplyline conveying the fluid to the fluid driven actuator, the sequence valveincluding a firstsequence configured to inhibit fluid communication between the supply line andthe lowpressure line when the fluid at the high pressure is actively supplied to thefluid drivenactuator, the sequence valve including a second sequence configured toestablish fluidcommunication between the supply line and the low pressure line when the fluidat thehigh pressure is not actively supplied to the fluid driven actuator, whereinthe sequencevalve includes a variable bias that changes depending upon whether the fluidat the highpressure is actively supplied to the fluid driven actuator.