FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: vitrectomy tool is equipped with an illuminator, and comprises: a probe and a probe illumination assembly extending along and around the probe and having an adjustable position along the probe length. At that, the illumination probe assembly comprises: a plurality of fiber optic cables, providing coverage, each fiber optic cable comprises a fiber end; and an illumination aperture, surrounding the entire probe. The illumination aperture is defined by the fiber optic cables end, and is capable of providing illumination area, and the illumination area itself varies depending on location of the probe lighting assembly relative to the probe. The vitrectomy cutting tool assembly equipped with an illuminator, comprising: a housing; a probe with a proximal end enclosed in the housing and a freely retractable distal end; and a probe lighting assembly moving along the probe between the proximal end and the distal end of the probe. At that, the probe lighting assembly comprises: the first end adjacent to the housing; the second end opposite to the first end; many fiber optic cables laid in a particular order around the probe; and an illumination aperture formed on the second end of the probe lighting assembly and forming a continuous annular shape around the probe, the illumination aperture is defined by the fiber optic cables ends, the illumination aperture capable of providing cumulative lighting, comprising separate lighting components from each of the plurality of fiber optic cables.EFFECT: prevention of shadows during application.13 cl, 8 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицине. Инструмент для витрэктомии оснащен осветителем, содержит: зонд и узел освещения зонда, проходящий вдоль и вокруг зонда и имеющий регулируемую позицию вдоль длины зонда. При этом узел освещения зонда содержит: множество оптоволоконных кабелей, обеспечивающих освещение, при этом каждый из оптоволоконных кабелей содержит торец оптоволокна; и апертуру освещения, полностью