A pressure-sensitive adhesive tape package which can contribute to resource saving while attaining easy application of the pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. The pressure-sensitive adhesive tape package holds therein a pressure-sensitive adhesive tape (14) which comprises a support (20) and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer (12) disposed on one side of the support and which has been folded up into a first portion (22) and a second portion (24) so that the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer faces outward. The pressure-sensitive adhesive tape package includes a first release sheet (16), which is adherent in a strippable state to the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer of the first portion of the pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, and a second release sheet (18), which is adherent in a strippable state to the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer of the second portion of the pressure sensitive adhesive tape, the pressure-sensitive adhesive tape being enclosed in the space between the first release sheet and the second release sheet. This configuration can omit the conventional package independent of a release sheet. When the second release sheet is removed from the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer of the second portion of the pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, half of the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer gets exposed to thereby facilitate application to a part to be covered with the tape.La présente invention concerne un conditionnement de ruban adhésif sensible à la pression qui peut participer à la sauvegarde de ressources tout en permettant une application aisée dudit ruban. Le conditionnement de ruban adhésif sensible à la pression comporte un ruban adhésif sensible à la pression (14) qui comprend un support (20) et une couche adhésive sensible à la pression (12) disposée sur un côté du support et qui a été pliée en une première partie (22) et une seconde partie (24) de façon que la couche adhésive sensible à la pression soit tournée vers lextérieur. Le conditionnement d