this invention is the terrain of annual grass on a comprehensive management method, especially in the control of germination of weeds to herbicides containing the mixed liquid with the weeding effect, and to maintain the annual 3, the chemical \ubc29\uc81c\ub9cc\uc73c\ub85c annual sustainable weeding effect. and can get the best, at the same time the amino acid liquid fertilizer for lawn and the erosion of the minimum processing cost, and to maintain a comfortable state throughout the year you can on a comprehensive management method. i can see the shadow of the annual integrated management method, (a) the occurrence of grass, leaves, winter weeds and perennial weeds in winter years of new leaf is generated during non selective herbicide and a germination inhibitor of the mixed liquid of the first stage and \ucc98\ub9ac\ud558 weed in summer (b) wu the new leaves appear to be selective herbicide and a germination inhibitor in the treatment of mixed liquid of the second stage of the weed and (c) a rainy season, august 1 - september 10, generated in a summer annual weeds and weed control, and the \uc885\uc790\uc0dd. after the earthquake for the same system for selective weed control herbicide and a germination inhibitor of the mixed liquid treatment stage includes third weeding. according to the invention, the manual weeding is not needed, and only the third annual conference of chemical weeding effect, continue to win three conference, annual grass cut by the growth and promotion effect to promote tillering and get outstanding management fees. the cutting effect can be obtained.본 발명은 난지형잔디의 연중 종합관리방법에 관한 것으로, 특히 잡초 발생 초기에 발아억제제를 포함하는 제초제 혼합액을 처리하여 장기간 제초효과를 유지함으로써 연중 3회의 화학적 방제만으로도 연중 지속적인 제초효과를 얻을 수 있으며, 아울러 최적화된 아미노산액비 시비 및 잔디 깎기를 실시하여 최소한의 처리와 비용으로도 연중 쾌적한 상태의 잔디를 유지할 수 있는 종합관리방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 난지형잔디의 연중 종합관리방법은, (a) 잔디의 신엽은 발생되지 않고 겨울을 지낸 다년생 잡초와 동계잡초의 신엽이 발생된 시기에 비선택성 제초제와 발아억제제의 혼합액을 처리하는 1차 제초단계와 (b) 하계잡초의 신엽이 발생되는 시기에 선택성 제초제와 발아억제제의 혼합액을 처리하는 2차 제초단계와 (c) 장마