This Hair bright Xiang Gua Election Do Fen Grade Machine Department replace the manpower of Pass System to divide Grade operations, divide Grade efficiency with sharp what Jiang Di production costs, Da to Kuai speed Qie Jing Indeed, and promote the interests of Xiang Gua Price Ge With Guo Farming. Demand Suo Let Meters of this Hair bright Xiang Gua Election Do Fen Grade Machine As because of Should Guo Farming, its what Fen Grade Installed set the holes Duo Pai Sieve Election Round Mining divide Grade Lose send Tapes Jin Hang Election Do divide Grade And collocation Ji Cargo Taiwan, Election Guo Taiwan, Jin material Qing Xi Machine Agencies Suo Group at, can be effectively reduced a point Grade operating costs, and can Festival save the manpower of phase When.本發明之香瓜選別分級機係取代傳統的人力分級作業,以利於降低生產成本、達到快速且精確的分級效能,以及提升香瓜價格與果農之利益。本發明之香瓜選別分級機為因應果農之需求所設計,其於分級裝置上採用多排篩選圓孔之分級輸送帶進行選別分級,並搭配集貨臺、選果臺、進料清洗機構所組成,可有效地降低分級作業成本,以及可節省相當之人力。