Disclosed is the use of NADPH in the preparation of a medicine for treating cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. NADPH can improve the activity of a Na+-K+-ATP enzyme, a Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzyme and a total ATP enzyme in the myocardium tissue of a mouse in addition, NADPH has no obvious influence on the blood pressure of a normal rat, and causes less adverse reactions during the treatment of heart failure and cardiac hypertrophy.Linvention concerne lutilisation du NADPH dans la préparation dun médicament destiné à traiter lhypertrophie cardiaque et linsuffisance cardiaque. Le NADPH permet daméliorer lactivité dune enzyme Na+-K+-ATP, dune enzyme Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP et dune enzyme ATP totale dans le tissu myocardique murin en outre, le NADPH na pas dinfluence flagrante sur la tension artérielle chez le rat normal, et provoque moins de réactions secondaires pendant le traitement de linsuffisance cardiaque et de lhypertrophie cardiaque.