Methods and uses of one or more straight chain C4-C5 mercapto-alkanones in anamount sufficient to increase the organoleptic properties of a coffee flavorprovided in a food or beverage. The compounds may be used to replace orreinforce flavors or aromas that were at least partially removed duringpreparation of soluble coffee powder. The aroma-providing compound(s) may beadded to soluble coffee powder prior to its incorporation or addition to thefood or beverage in an amount sufficient to increase the coffee flavorthereto. Food products and beverages containing one or more of these aroma-providing substances are also included. Depending on which flavor notes andaromas are desired in the final product, other aroma-providing substances maybe added to the food products and beverages. It has been found thatparticularly suitable additional aroma-providing compounds for use in thepresent invention are 4-methoxy-2-mehtylbutan-2-thiol alone or in combinationwith other sulfur containing coffee odorants.