The invention relates to medicine. The inventive method for non-evasively determining an endothelial function consists in reducing a transmural pressure in a limb, recording the amplitude of plethysmographic signals at different pressures, determining the pressure of a maximum plethysmographic signal amplitude, reducing the pressure to a value corresponding to the specified percentage of the maximum amplitude, carrying out an occlusion sample in the course of which a pressure higher by at least 50 mm Hg than the systolic pressure of a tested patient is produced in a cuff arranged proximally to the located limb area, wherein the occlusion is carried out during at least 5 minutes. The inventive device for carrying out said method comprises a sensory unit, a pressure producing unit, an electronic unit constructed in such a way that it makes it possible to measure the cuff pressure corresponding to the maximum plethysmographic signal amplitude and a unit for controlling the pressure producing unit in such a way that the cuff pressure corresponding to the amplitude of a plethysmographic signal,which represents a specified percentage of the maximum amplitude, is attained. The sensory unit is connected to the electronic unit to the output of which the pressure producing unit is connected.