< Topic > Barely, it pulls by power and it offers the sack for bacteriums bed cultivation whose it is possible to tear.Solutions As for sack 1 for bacteriums bed cultivation, the top aperture, in order the tensile strength of lengthwise to become the numerator orientation which is larger than the tensile strength of cross direction, the sack computer the air hole 3 where was formed to the top of 2 which consists of the plastic film which was formed and sack computer 2 and the air hole 3 when it is overturned it was welded in sack computer 2, it makes the air pass and the filter 4 which obstructs the invasion of the various germs and, it has. Sack computer in the first section of welded zone 7 of 2 and filter 4, directing filter 4 to the bottom of sack computer, 2 the concentration of stress section in order to make the peeling off stress concentrate which is generated the occasion where it peels off is provided. Welded zone 7 is formed by the form which closes by combining the multiple rectilinear welded zones, rectilinear welded zone 8 for the additional strength which threads welded zone 7 to cross direction furthermore is formed with the concentration of stress section and the air hole 3.< Choice figure > Drawing 1【課題】 僅かな力で引き裂くことが可能な菌床栽培用袋を提供する。【解決手段】 菌床栽培用袋1は、上端が開口し、縦方向の引張強度が横方向の引張強度よりも大きい分子配向となるように形成されたプラスチックフィルムからなる袋本体2と、袋本体2の上部に形成された通気孔3と、通気孔3を覆った状態で袋本体2に溶着された、空気を通過させ雑菌の侵入を阻止するフィルタ4と、を備えている。袋本体2とフィルタ4との溶着部7の最上部に、フィルタ4を袋本体2の下端部に向けて引き剥がす際に発生する引き剥がし応力を集中させるための応力集中部が設けられている。溶着部7は、複数の直線溶着部を組み合わせることによって閉じた形状に形成され、応力集中部と通気孔3との間には、溶着部7を横方向に繋ぐ補強用の直線溶着部8がさらに形成されている。【選択図】 図1