Stabilizing the visual system for any sighted mobile system increases immunity of the mobile system's gaze and reduces information processing task complexity. Two human reflexes are the optokinetic reflex and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). The VOR stabilizes retinal images during head movement by producing eye movements in the opposite direction. Improved analysis of the VOR in humans would improve the diagnosis/treatment of patients, provide improvements in visual prosthesis performance for patients, and also vision systems performance for mobile robotic systems. However, an important issue for prior art mathematical analysis techniques is the requirement to classify the nystagmus segments before applying any analysis techniques, wherein this classification should be preferably performed non-subjectively. Accordingly the inventors overcome these limitations by performing classification, i.e. segmentation of the data record into multiple modes (including possible artifacts or outliers), and identification of mode dynamics concurrently and objectively in a manner suitable for multi-input systems.