[problem] in the oil you have finished exert a fried effect of fry cooking, ingredients that are being finished the cooking process, pan, and the unwanted oil from the oil, is excessive and eyes to adhere residence around the removed , quantitative reduction of oil, which is taken orally, to provide a stir-fry cooking oil absorber achieve such correspondence to the appearance on the Sheng with. A stir-fry cooking for the absorber 1 is made from pulp fiber, is a sphere without a cavity inside, pulp fiber is a virgin pulp.FIELD 1【課題】炒め調理の炒め効果を発揮し終えた油分で、調理過程を終えつつある具材、ナベ、およびその周辺に付着滞留する油分から、過剰と目される所望しない油分を取り除き、経口摂取される油分の量的軽減、盛付け上の外観への対応などを図る炒め調理用油分吸収体を提供する。【解決手段】炒め調理用吸収体1はパルプ繊維からなり、内部に空洞のない球体であり、パルプ繊維がバージンパルプである。【選択図】図1