The invention relates to medicine, and more particularly to gravity therapy, and can be used in the comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation of patients having neurological, cardiological and therapeutic profiles with circulatory insufficiency. The technical result is achieved in that the patient is placed in a right lateral recumbent position on an inversion table with their legs bent at the knees and the hips flexed at 30-60 degrees. The patient is secured by the pelvis with the aid of a soft securing device. The parameters of a cycle of oscillatory movements to be performed by the inversion table as the head part of the table is lowered or raised, i.e. variable angles of rotation about the longitudinal and transverse axes of the table, the oscillation frequency of the table and the maximum angle of inclination of the head part of the table, are set using an operating console. When in operation, the inversion table performs oscillatory movements with changes in the direction of rotation of the table about the axis and the angle of inclination of the table, the head part of the table being gradually lowering and returned to its starting position. Use of the claimed invention increases the efficacy of treatment of patient diseases related to circulatory insufficiency while avoiding negative effects on the patient in the form of reflex reactions, raised arterial pressure and the disruption of venous outflow from the vital organs.Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к гравитационной терапии, и может быть использовано в комплексном лечении и реабилитации пациентов неврологического, кардиологического и терапевтического профилей с недостаточностью кровообращения. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что пациент размещается на инверсионном столе в положении лежа на правом боку, с ногами, согнутыми в коленях и разведенными в тазобедренных суставах на 30-60°. Фиксация пациента осуществляется при помощи мягкого фиксирующего устройства за таз. Параметры ци